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I am the way, the truth, and the life - John 14:6

I am the way, the truth and the LIFE - John 14:6

If ever there was a movie with a great ending, it's the Christmas classic, 'It's a Wonderful Life.' This 1946 American film, directed by Frank Capra, tells the story of George Bailey, a man who has given up his personal dreams to help others in his community of Bedford Falls. Everything seemed to be crashing down around him to the point where George gave up and jumped off a bridge. But there was a great ending as George learns about the incredible impact he has had on the lives of others. George had to learn that he had indeed been living a wonderful life. I believe this movie resonates so deeply because it is… well, it's how life ought to be!

The believer in Christ is promised a wonderful life too. Jesus is the way, the road to this life. Jesus called it the abundant life. He never said life would be easy, but that His was the easiest way. We will all be challenged; we will have to lay down our lives and follow Jesus. There are ways we might want to go which the Lord vetoes. He has works He prepared for us ahead.

Jesus said that He came so we might have life and have it more abundantly. The Greek word He used was 'zoe,' which is “life as God intended us to live.”

George’s despair was that he felt alone. In contrast, Jesus said He would never leave us. It turns out that Jesus lives in others, and sometimes He is with us through them! If we stay on the road with Him, we will still go through some tough times, but He will never leave us. And we should not leave others as well.

Life is about doing good, letting Christ love others through us. God is the “Great Director,” and your 'movie' will have a great ending. The Bible says in heaven, God will wipe away every tear. Maybe some of them will be tears of joy.

Q: Are you experiencing the 'abundant life' Jesus described? In these days of harvest, ask for the Lord to reveal today’s stories as you travel down your road

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